Zuma. Doarme tot timpul. Dar in acelasi timp are o viata plina de activitate sociala. Prefera un climat mai cald, prin urmare acum locuieste, de o buna bucata de vreme, in Thailanda, in Ko Phangan. Ea sustine ca se stabileste acolo, dar eu stiu ca in curand ii expira viza si poate avem ocazia sa o reintalnim pe meleaguri romanesti. Sa vedem.
Viata sociala a Zumei consta in iesiri pe terase, pe plaja, pe la prieteni unde prefera sa stea cate o ora, doua si sa soarba dintr-un cockteil. Cockteil exotic, desigur, unul din favorite este Mai-Tai. Cam dulceag, dar asta e.
I-am promis ca-i voi publica mai multe poze. Ca sa compenseze faptul ca oricum apare cu ochii inchisi. Nici nu cred ca stie de acesta fotografie, facuta pe cand se pregatea sa iasa la o plimbare.
Cu ochii inchisi.
Pe curand.
Zuma. She sleeps all the time. But in the same time her life is full of social activity. She prefers a warmer climate, therefor she's now living in Thailand, in Ko Phangan. She claims she'll remain there for good, but I know that soon her visa will expire and maybe we'll have the chance to see her again on Romanian land. We'll see.
Zuma's social life consists in going out on terraces, on the beach, at friends', where she enjoys staying an hour or two, sipping a cocktail. An exotic one, of course, one of her favorites is Mai-Tai. A bit too sweet, but what can we do.
I promised her I'll publish more photos of her. To compensate the fact that anyway she has her eyes closed. I don't even think she knows about this photo, taken while she was getting ready to go out for a walk.
With her eyes closed.
See you soon!
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sunt sigura ca nu stie de poza asta...am pandit-o din tufisul din fatza casei si cand am vazut ca nu e atenta...Click click am fotografiat-o. muahahahahaha