December 14, 2010

Corul Cantaretilor La Frunze De Ceai

Sa ii prezentam:
(de la stanga la dreapta, in ordinea culorilor)

Choir Tea Chamomile - ChaCha
Dumneai canta cel mai bine la frunza de musetel. Ii place sa stea in bucatarie, atarnata de o ceasca de ceai si sa cante. Daca ceaiul e de musetel, adoarme la al doilea vers.

Choir Tea Earl Grey - Early M
Early M canta cel mai bine la ... bobul de cafea. Este primul care se trezeste dimineata. Ii place sa atarne oriunde, canta destul de rar. Bea cafea de obicei, iar cand se intalneste cu restul grupului bea ceai (niciodata negru).

Choir Tea Green - Away
Domnul acesta prefera sa cante la frunza de iasomie. Ii place in dormitor, pe noptiera, langa o ceasca de ceai. Normal. Canta doar cantece de Mos Ene. Ii plac filmele experimentale.

Choir Tea Forrest Fruits - FruFra
Dansa canta bine la mai multe feluri de frunze: mure, capsuni, coacaze. Si altele. Ii place sa stea in bucatarie sau in sufragerie, langa o ceasca de ceai si sa cante. Daca ceaiul e de fructe de padure, sare cate un vers.

Let's introduce them - The Choir of Tea Leaf Singers:
(from left to right, in color order)

Choir Tea Chamomile - ChaCha
She plays best the chamomile leaf. She likes to hang in the kitchen, leaning on a tea mug and singing. If the tea is chamomile tea, she falls asleep on the second verse.

Choir Tea Earl Grey - Early M
Early M plays best ... the coffee bean. He's the first to wake up in the morning. He likes hanging anywhere, sings quite rare. Usually he drinks coffee, but when he meets the rest of the group he drinks tea (never black tea).

Choir Tea Green - Away
This gentleman prefers playing the jasmine leaf. He likes the bedroom, on the night stand, next to a cup of tea. Of course. He only sings sandman songs. He likes experimental movies.

Choir Tea Forrest Fruits - FruFra
She plays good several types of leaves: blackberries, strawberries, black currant. And others. She enjoys hanging in the kitchen or in the living room, next to a cup of tea and singing. If it's a forrest fruits tea, she skips a verse.

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December 9, 2010

BooHoo The Sweet Owl

Dulce, in sensul ca e innebunita dupa dulciuri, nu ca ar fi ea o dulcica.
Orice fel de dulciuri, bombonele, prajituri, ciocolata, jeleuri, orice, nu are preferinte.

Isi rasuceste capul numai cand trece pe langa vreo cofetarie.

Locuieste la oras, sa-si poata satisface poftele dulci. Din cand in cand mai merge la o plimbare in padure, sa se relaxeze. Sa stiti ca doarme foarte mult, mai ales noaptea. Nici sa zboare nu-i place la nebunie, prefera sa mearga pe bicicleta. Cum se descurca? Intrebati-o!

Sweet, meaning she's crazy for sweets, not that she's a sweetie. Any kind of sweets, candy, cakes, chocolate, jellies, anything, she doesn't have a preference.

She turns her head only when she passes by a confectionary.

She lives in town, so she can satisfy her sweet tooth personality. From time to time she goes in the woods for a walk, to relax. She sleeps a lot, you know, especially during the night. She's not very fond to flying, she prefers riding the bike. How does she handle it? Ask her!

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December 3, 2010

Happy Green Christmas Tree With Pink Dots

Bradut mai maricel pentru decor, prefera anotimpul friguros (desi in secret iubeste toamna). Ii place mult sa se uite pe fereastra, mai ales daca ninge.

Si el are o curiozitate pentru lista lui Mos Craciun.

A bit bigger tree for decoration, he prefers the cold weather (although he secretly loves the autumn). He enjoys looking out the window, especially if it snows.

He also has a curiosity for Santa Claus' list.

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Happy Green Christmas Tree With Yellow Dots

Bradut mititel pentru decor, prefera anotimpul friguros. Ii place mult sa stea agatat de usile dulapurilor. De asemenea, ca toti fratii lui Happy Trees, e extrem de curios, an de an, ce dorinte i se scriu lui Mos Craciun.

Little tree for decoration, he prefers the cold weather. He likes a lot to stay hanged on the doors. Just like his Happy Trees brothers, he's extremely curious, year after year, what wishes are written to Santa Claus.

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November 20, 2010

Bernie Likes You

Bernie abia asteapta sa-ti daruiasca floarea. E plantata si crescuta personal de dansul, cu multa dragoste.

Da, e un personaj foarte dragastos.
Sa nu credeti cumva, totusi, ca-i place ziua de 14 februarie. Chiar nu-i place. Sa nu-l rugati sa va daruiasca floarea in acea zi, pentru ca n-o va face si nici nu va va mai vorbi ... cam o saptamana.

Cartea sa preferata este "Micul print" - desi nu a citit-o el, i-a fost citita de catre floare. Si ii plac la nebunie sedintele foto!

Bernie can't wait to offer you the flower. It was planted and grown by himself, with lots of love.

Yes, he's very lovable.
You shouldn't think, though, that he likes the 14th of February. He really doesn't. Don't ask him to offer you the flower in that day, because he won't and he will not talk to you .... for a week.

His favorite book is "The Little Prince" - although he didn't read it, the flower read it to him. And he loves the photo sessions!

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November 14, 2010

Quentin aka TheCatWithDeadFishWhere

Ea este Quentin. Si da, este ruda de sange cu Quentin Tarantino, dupa cum ii spune prenumele. Este o pisicuta aproape simpatica, dar asta doar pentru cei apropiati; nu se poate spune despre ea ca, la nivel superficial, este draguta.

A fost inzestrata, inca din nastere, cu o coada cum n-a mai vazut neam de neam de Tarantino (detaliu care n-a ramas nebagat in seama in scenariile acestuia), o coada ECO. Multumita cozii, Quentin este o faptura care se bucura de tinerete fara batranete si viata fara de moarte. Asa are timp sa se faca placuta tuturor, timp.

Ce fredoneaza acum, uitandu-se la noi, cu pestele in - aici este un detaliu ramas neclarificat: pestele este in mainile sau in burta pisicii? Quentin urmeaza sa se rasfete cu un ospat pe cinste sau tocmai a facut-o? - fredoneaza "I have all the time in the world... lala la laaaa" (da, cantecelul It's no good). Probabil it's no good sa incercam sa raspundem la intrebarea de mai sus...

Her name is Quentin. And yes, she's relative of Quentin Tarantino, as her first name says it. She's an almost nice cat, but only for the loved ones; it can't be said that, on a superficial level, she's nice.

She was gifted, since birth, with a tail none of the Tarantinos have seen before (a detail noticed also in his scripts), an ECO tail. Thanks to that, Quentin can enjoy youth without ageing and life without death. She has enough time to make herself pleasant to everyone, ... in time.

What is she singing right now, looking at us, with the fish in her - here is an unclear detail: is the fish in her hands or in her belly? Is she about to enjoy eating it or did she just eat it? - she's singing "I have all the time in the world... lala la laaa" (yes, that It's no good song). Probably it's no good we try to answer the previous question...

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August 11, 2010


O prezentam pe Turquentine!
Albastra (ideal ar fi fost turcoaz), iubareata pe-un picior, plina de culori in ochi.

Ce ati putea spune ca stiti deja despre ea e ca iubeste cartile. Ce va dezvalui eu acum despre ea, ca o completare la aceasta pasiune, e ca NU-I PLACE sa stie titlul cartii si numele autorului. Isi primeste cartile de la cunoscuti (amici, prieteni, familie etc) cu aceste date ascunse (prin diferite metode). Dupa ce termina de citit romanul/nuvela/fabula/ce-o fi incearca sa ghiceasca cine a fost autorul si care e numele cartii.

Cam cu asta isi ocupa timpul, citeste carti 'necunoscute' si in rest citeste pe Wikipedia despre autori si cartile lor. Ca sa-i fie mai usor de ghicit apoi!

We present you Turquentine!
Blue (ideally would have been turquoise), loving on a foot and full of colors in her eyes.

What you could say you already know about her is that she loves the books. What I'm revealing now about her, in addition to this passion, is that she DOESN'T LIKE to know the title of the book and its author. She gets the books from her friends, family etc, with this informations hidden (in different ways). After she finishes reading the novel/story/fable/whatever, she tries to guess who wrote it and what's its name.

This is what she does most of the time, reading 'unknown' books, the rest of the time she reads on Wikipedia about authors and their books. So it's easier for her to guess!

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August 7, 2010

Dorian The CopyDog

Buna! Ma uit doar. La voi.
Am multi frati. Gemeni. Nu i-am cunoscut niciodata.
Propozitiile lungi nu sunt. Pentru mine.
Spre deosebire de fratii mei insa. Nu-mi place sa latru.

Hi! I'm just watching. You.
I have many brothers. Twins. I never met them.
Long sentences are not. For me.
Unlike my bros though. I don't like to bark.

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July 20, 2010

R3D Wishful Thinking

Cand era mic isi dorea sa se faca cameraman, dar pe parcurs s-a razgandit si a devenit pompier de meserie. Ii plac inaltimile (la un loc cu piesa Such Great Heights), de cate ori are ocazia face bungee jumping, prefera sa calatoreasca cu avionul chiar si pe distante mai mici.

Nu-i place apa. Bea doar ceaiuri.
Ii place foarte mult sa citeasca fictiune.

As a little boy, he wanted to become cameraman, but in the mean time he changed his mind and became a professional fireman. He loves the heights (together with the song Such Great Heights), he does bungee jumping any time he has the opportunity, he prefers traveling by plane even on short distances.

He doesn't like the water. He only drinks tea.
He enjoys reading fiction.

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July 8, 2010

Vroom. Green.

E doar o masinuta vesela, careia ii face foarte mare placere sa fie pe blog.

She is just a very happy car who enjoys being on the blog.

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June 23, 2010

Jurnal I.

Ii putea auzi clevetind in bucatarie. Dunck si Cooka ii otraveau cana, ii inveninau zaharul si-i oxidau lingurita. Era acea invidie pe care numai lipsa gratiei si a oricarei urme de noblete ti-o poate da. Stavros era singurul din condominium care se putea lauda cu o descendenta notabila. Tatal sau, intai omonimul si apoi regretatul Stavros Samothraki a reprezentat gloria suprema a pilotajului auto grec din anii 50. De pilda, revista frankfurteza"Das Auto und Das Bild und Das Kompakt Disk" obisnuia sa-l regaleze cu astfel de editoriale: Cine reuseste sa castige turul insulei Patros conducand cu o caracatita vie pe cap? Cunoastem doi oameni pe planeta capabili de asa ceva: unul e Stavros iar al doilea e Chiril Focaccia-insa pe el caracatita l-a lasat fara ochi."
Mama sa, blajina Hellen Samothraki-Kurtzmann, o modesta dantelareasa, recunoscuta ca si singura balcanica care a interpretat vreodata Glinka la theremin, s-a remarcat ca si o autodidacta cultivatoare de ceai, creand dupa zeci de ani de incercari, specia cunoscuta azi drept Ceai Negru. De la dansa a mostenit Stavros acea abilitate nemaipomenita de crea fraze complexe din rotocoale de fum de tigara scoase prin nari. Unele dintre aceste sentinte au fost interpretate de catre autoritati drept prea indraznete, asta explicand timpuria sa exmatriculare de la gradinita si incarcerarea in Ucraina, alaturi de autorii oribilului puci de la Rabat. Impreuna cu colegii sai de celula, gemenii Haddid si Humphrey Al Quisr, a pus la cale o evadare soldata cu o dezgustatoare julitura la genunchiul unui gardian, incident clasificat de catre istoricii estici ca si "julitura de la Donetsk".

Gasind azil politic in primitoarea Cehie, anul 1972 il surprinde pe Stavros la Brno, in bratele divei cabaretului gotic, Jakuba Millarez, candva suspectata de lesbianism juvenil si implicata in scandalul saloanelor de masaj erotic ce nu-si onorau finalizarea. Pasiunea clocotitoare starnita de timida Jakuba, il inspira pe Stavros, inventand primul sau cuvant inventat: "oximoron", termen care, la inceput, n-a stiut nimeni ce inseamna, nici macar autorul sau. Dupa fuga cehoaicei cu un fals vanzator de biblii de sangvinitate partial cubaneza, eroul nostru nu se lasa cuprins de diperare, ba dimpotriva. Se cazeaza in casualul laborator Mabusse de la Zurich, cerand nu numai neutralizarea sa sexuala, ci si trecerea de la analog la digital. Ambele operatii au decurs satifacator, cu exceptia unei lacrimi varsate de catre tanarul chirurg Knappe, care a si oftat: "Frati elvetieni, asta e sfarsitul unei epoci!"

In prezent, perfect acordat epocii, Stavros functioneaza ca si confident tehnic intr-un studio bucurestean eminamente digitalizat.

Long story short, Stavros is now working in a high end post production studio in Bucharest and he's doing a great job as a colorist.

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June 22, 2010

Amicul Dunck

Vi-l prezentam pe Dunck, amicul lui nu-istimnumele. Ii plac si lui plimbarile prin parc, pe jos. Nu pe bicicleta. Si prin ploaie, daca se poate.

E mai emo de felul sau. Cu toate astea, nu-i place sa arate ca se mai imbraca si in negru. E bun la matematica.

Filmul lui preferat e "Little Miss Sunshine". Nu-i prea vorbaret, dar visul sau e sa inregistreze voci pentru desene animate.

This is Dunck, friends with wedon'tknowhisname. He also likes the walks in the park. Not on the bike. And in the rain, if possible.

He's more emo. Anyway, he doesn't like to show that he also dresses in black. He's good at maths.

His favorite movie is "Little Miss Sunshine". He's not much of a talker, but he dreams of recording voices for cartoons.

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May 27, 2010


E autist, dar este unul din preferatii multora (inclusiv al meu). Este foarte bun la matematica, mai exact la ce tine de cifre, literele in schimb nu le prea deosebeste. Cand ii vorbesti despre ceva, se uita fix la tine, atent, poate prea fix. Nu-ti dai seama daca intelege profund ce-i explici sau din contra, nici nu te baga in seama.

Este foarte crestin. Crede ca toate statuile reprezinta sfinti (inclusiv scriitori, politicieni etc).
Se simte foarte bine in general, e convins ca locuieste in Elvetia (il gasiti la Bucuresti deocamdata).

Deja va place pe toti. Sau asa imi lasa impresia.

He's autistic, but he's one of the favorites (including mine). He's very good with maths, especially of what's has to do with numbers, the letters though he can't distinguish one from another. When you're talking to him, he stares at you. You can't really tell whether he deeply understands what you're explaining or, on the contrary, he doesn't care a bit.

He's very christian. He thinks all statues represent saints (including those of writers, politicians etc). He's generally fine, he's convinced he lives in Switzerland (you can find him in Bucharest for the moment).

He already likes all of you. Or at least this is what he makes me believe.

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Dupa cum ii spune si numele, este un individ mai tehnic, in forma de PI. Ii plac la nebunie cablurile, de orice fel, orice culoare, orice functie.

Daca nu va mai merge conexiunea la internet, puteti sa-l chemati si va rezolva problema.

Are multi prieteni si un frate mai mare, pe care-l vom prezenta in curand. Sustine ca a fost la concertul AC/DC, dar eu nu l-as crede.

As his name suggests, he's a more technical guy, PI shaped. He loves the cables, all sorts of, any color, any function.

If your internet connection is not working, you can call him and he'll solve the problem.

He has many friends and a bigger brother, which we'll present soon. He says he was at the AC/DC concert, but I wouldn't believe him.

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Marilena Hi

Marilena si-ar dori foarte mult, dar foarte mult, sa se mute in Grecia. Acum locuieste in Bucuresti. Ii place sa stea la soare, desi nu se bronzeaza. Prefera acoperisurile, ca e soarele mai puternic si arde tigla. Nu vorbeste greaca, dar din toamna va merge la niste cursuri. Mancarea sa preferata este iaurtul.

Marilena would absolutely love to move to Greece. She's now living in Bucharest. She likes laying in the sun, although she doesn't get a tan. Her favorites are the roof-tops, because the sun is stronger there and the tile is burning. She doesn't speak Greek, but she'll attend some classes in the autumn. Her favorite food is the yogurt.

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May 23, 2010

Imaginary Evil

Avem de-a face cu un personaj rau, foarte rau. Asa crede el. E bataus, are tot timpul un ochi vanat, vorbeste urat din priviri (mai ales din ochiul sanatos). Nu prea are prieteni, de fapt singurul sau prieten este Dunck. O sa-l cunoasteti in curand.

Isi duce veacul prin parcuri (ziua, ca noaptea ii e frica). Ii place ketchup'ul (da, e ketchup ala, nu e sange). Nu vrea sa ne spuna numele. Nu stiu cum il cheama.

Are 9 ani. Ar vrea sa se stie da pe bicicleta, dar cum nu e sociabil si prietenos, nu-l invata nimeni, iar Dunck nu suporta bicicletele.

Mai asista la concerte de jazz, chiar daca n-ai zice si chiar daca nu recunoaste.

We're dealing with a very, very evil character. That's what he thinks. He's a bully, he always has one bruised eye, his eyes talk dirty (especially the healthy one). He doesn't have that much friends, actually his only friend is Dunck. You'll meet him soon.

He's spending his life in parks (during the day, he's afraid of the night). He loves ketchup (yes, that's ketchup, not blood). He doesn't want to tell us his name. I don't know his name.

He's 9 years old. He'd like to know how to ride a bike, but since he's not sociable and friendly, nobody teaches him, and Dunck doesn't stand the bikes.

You wouldn't say and he wouldn't admit it, but he attends jazz concerts.

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May 20, 2010

Zuma ZumZum

Zuma. Doarme tot timpul. Dar in acelasi timp are o viata plina de activitate sociala. Prefera un climat mai cald, prin urmare acum locuieste, de o buna bucata de vreme, in Thailanda, in Ko Phangan. Ea sustine ca se stabileste acolo, dar eu stiu ca in curand ii expira viza si poate avem ocazia sa o reintalnim pe meleaguri romanesti. Sa vedem.

Viata sociala a Zumei consta in iesiri pe terase, pe plaja, pe la prieteni unde prefera sa stea cate o ora, doua si sa soarba dintr-un cockteil. Cockteil exotic, desigur, unul din favorite este Mai-Tai. Cam dulceag, dar asta e.

I-am promis ca-i voi publica mai multe poze. Ca sa compenseze faptul ca oricum apare cu ochii inchisi. Nici nu cred ca stie de acesta fotografie, facuta pe cand se pregatea sa iasa la o plimbare.
Cu ochii inchisi.
Pe curand.

Zuma. She sleeps all the time. But in the same time her life is full of social activity. She prefers a warmer climate, therefor she's now living in Thailand, in Ko Phangan. She claims she'll remain there for good, but I know that soon her visa will expire and maybe we'll have the chance to see her again on Romanian land. We'll see.

Zuma's social life consists in going out on terraces, on the beach, at friends', where she enjoys staying an hour or two, sipping a cocktail. An exotic one, of course, one of her favorites is Mai-Tai. A bit too sweet, but what can we do.

I promised her I'll publish more photos of her. To compensate the fact that anyway she has her eyes closed. I don't even think she knows about this photo, taken while she was getting ready to go out for a walk.
With her eyes closed.
See you soon!

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May 17, 2010


Cooka e o fetita care seamana cu un baietel de fapt. Ii place sa poarte pantalonasi, in loc de fustita sau rochita, de aici si confuzia ca ar fi Cookie, nu Cooka.

E cuminte, destul de bine dispusa de obicei, desi nu se manifesta.
Nu-i prea place muzica... nu se stie de ce. Daca aflam, va anuntam.

Cooka is a little girl that actually looks like a boy. She likes wearing pants, instead of skirts or dresses, therefor the general confusion that she's Cookie, not Cooka.

She's wise, usually in a good mood, although she never shows it.
She doesn't really like the music... we don't know why. If we find out, we'll let you know.

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May 16, 2010

Cyan de NSSU

Dansului nu-i place absolut deloc nimic, niciodata, nici in ruptul capului. Nu stim daca acum ne zambeste, ii e frica sau rade de noi. Stim ca nu distinge decat doua culori, turcoaz si crem (da, culorile ochilor sai). Restul e alb-negru.

Are o varsta destul de inaintata.
Asta nu explica, totusi, faptul ca e atat de nesuferit. Cat? Cam atat.

Bineinteles, nu-i face nici o placere sa stea aici, pe blog.
Dar noua ne place, ca e colorat.

He doesn't like absolutely nothing, ever, no way. We can't say whether he's smiling, he's afraid or he's laughing at us. We know he can only distinguish two colors, turquoise and beige (yes, the colors of his eyes). The rest is black&white.

He has a well advanced age.
This doesn't explain, though, the fact that he's so horrid. How horrid? About this much.

Of course, there's no pleasure for him to be here, on the blog.
But we like him, because he's colorful.

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May 15, 2010

Mr. Happy.

Ii place sa stea cu ochii'n soare. E calm si seren, dar uneori ar vrea sa se bronzeze suficient cat sa para furios si sa prevesteasca ploaia. Zambind.

He likes to stare at the sun. He's calm and serene, but sometimes he wishes he got enough tan to look furious and foretell the rain. Smiling.

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