May 23, 2010

Imaginary Evil

Avem de-a face cu un personaj rau, foarte rau. Asa crede el. E bataus, are tot timpul un ochi vanat, vorbeste urat din priviri (mai ales din ochiul sanatos). Nu prea are prieteni, de fapt singurul sau prieten este Dunck. O sa-l cunoasteti in curand.

Isi duce veacul prin parcuri (ziua, ca noaptea ii e frica). Ii place ketchup'ul (da, e ketchup ala, nu e sange). Nu vrea sa ne spuna numele. Nu stiu cum il cheama.

Are 9 ani. Ar vrea sa se stie da pe bicicleta, dar cum nu e sociabil si prietenos, nu-l invata nimeni, iar Dunck nu suporta bicicletele.

Mai asista la concerte de jazz, chiar daca n-ai zice si chiar daca nu recunoaste.

We're dealing with a very, very evil character. That's what he thinks. He's a bully, he always has one bruised eye, his eyes talk dirty (especially the healthy one). He doesn't have that much friends, actually his only friend is Dunck. You'll meet him soon.

He's spending his life in parks (during the day, he's afraid of the night). He loves ketchup (yes, that's ketchup, not blood). He doesn't want to tell us his name. I don't know his name.

He's 9 years old. He'd like to know how to ride a bike, but since he's not sociable and friendly, nobody teaches him, and Dunck doesn't stand the bikes.

You wouldn't say and he wouldn't admit it, but he attends jazz concerts.

♥♥♥ out of stock


  1. mie mi se pare ca arata ca un Lica. ce-ar fi sa-i spunem LIca?

  2. am putea. nu-s sigura ca se si comporta ca un Lica...

  3. ok, hai sa-i spunem Lica.
    Lica, ce faci?
