Are o varsta destul de inaintata.
Asta nu explica, totusi, faptul ca e atat de nesuferit. Cat? Cam atat.
Bineinteles, nu-i face nici o placere sa stea aici, pe blog.
Dar noua ne place, ca e colorat.
He doesn't like absolutely nothing, ever, no way. We can't say whether he's smiling, he's afraid or he's laughing at us. We know he can only distinguish two colors, turquoise and beige (yes, the colors of his eyes). The rest is black&white.
He has a well advanced age.
This doesn't explain, though, the fact that he's so horrid. How horrid? About this much.
Of course, there's no pleasure for him to be here, on the blog.
But we like him, because he's colorful.
♥♥♥ out of stock
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