May 27, 2010


E autist, dar este unul din preferatii multora (inclusiv al meu). Este foarte bun la matematica, mai exact la ce tine de cifre, literele in schimb nu le prea deosebeste. Cand ii vorbesti despre ceva, se uita fix la tine, atent, poate prea fix. Nu-ti dai seama daca intelege profund ce-i explici sau din contra, nici nu te baga in seama.

Este foarte crestin. Crede ca toate statuile reprezinta sfinti (inclusiv scriitori, politicieni etc).
Se simte foarte bine in general, e convins ca locuieste in Elvetia (il gasiti la Bucuresti deocamdata).

Deja va place pe toti. Sau asa imi lasa impresia.

He's autistic, but he's one of the favorites (including mine). He's very good with maths, especially of what's has to do with numbers, the letters though he can't distinguish one from another. When you're talking to him, he stares at you. You can't really tell whether he deeply understands what you're explaining or, on the contrary, he doesn't care a bit.

He's very christian. He thinks all statues represent saints (including those of writers, politicians etc). He's generally fine, he's convinced he lives in Switzerland (you can find him in Bucharest for the moment).

He already likes all of you. Or at least this is what he makes me believe.

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Dupa cum ii spune si numele, este un individ mai tehnic, in forma de PI. Ii plac la nebunie cablurile, de orice fel, orice culoare, orice functie.

Daca nu va mai merge conexiunea la internet, puteti sa-l chemati si va rezolva problema.

Are multi prieteni si un frate mai mare, pe care-l vom prezenta in curand. Sustine ca a fost la concertul AC/DC, dar eu nu l-as crede.

As his name suggests, he's a more technical guy, PI shaped. He loves the cables, all sorts of, any color, any function.

If your internet connection is not working, you can call him and he'll solve the problem.

He has many friends and a bigger brother, which we'll present soon. He says he was at the AC/DC concert, but I wouldn't believe him.

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Marilena Hi

Marilena si-ar dori foarte mult, dar foarte mult, sa se mute in Grecia. Acum locuieste in Bucuresti. Ii place sa stea la soare, desi nu se bronzeaza. Prefera acoperisurile, ca e soarele mai puternic si arde tigla. Nu vorbeste greaca, dar din toamna va merge la niste cursuri. Mancarea sa preferata este iaurtul.

Marilena would absolutely love to move to Greece. She's now living in Bucharest. She likes laying in the sun, although she doesn't get a tan. Her favorites are the roof-tops, because the sun is stronger there and the tile is burning. She doesn't speak Greek, but she'll attend some classes in the autumn. Her favorite food is the yogurt.

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May 23, 2010

Imaginary Evil

Avem de-a face cu un personaj rau, foarte rau. Asa crede el. E bataus, are tot timpul un ochi vanat, vorbeste urat din priviri (mai ales din ochiul sanatos). Nu prea are prieteni, de fapt singurul sau prieten este Dunck. O sa-l cunoasteti in curand.

Isi duce veacul prin parcuri (ziua, ca noaptea ii e frica). Ii place ketchup'ul (da, e ketchup ala, nu e sange). Nu vrea sa ne spuna numele. Nu stiu cum il cheama.

Are 9 ani. Ar vrea sa se stie da pe bicicleta, dar cum nu e sociabil si prietenos, nu-l invata nimeni, iar Dunck nu suporta bicicletele.

Mai asista la concerte de jazz, chiar daca n-ai zice si chiar daca nu recunoaste.

We're dealing with a very, very evil character. That's what he thinks. He's a bully, he always has one bruised eye, his eyes talk dirty (especially the healthy one). He doesn't have that much friends, actually his only friend is Dunck. You'll meet him soon.

He's spending his life in parks (during the day, he's afraid of the night). He loves ketchup (yes, that's ketchup, not blood). He doesn't want to tell us his name. I don't know his name.

He's 9 years old. He'd like to know how to ride a bike, but since he's not sociable and friendly, nobody teaches him, and Dunck doesn't stand the bikes.

You wouldn't say and he wouldn't admit it, but he attends jazz concerts.

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May 20, 2010

Zuma ZumZum

Zuma. Doarme tot timpul. Dar in acelasi timp are o viata plina de activitate sociala. Prefera un climat mai cald, prin urmare acum locuieste, de o buna bucata de vreme, in Thailanda, in Ko Phangan. Ea sustine ca se stabileste acolo, dar eu stiu ca in curand ii expira viza si poate avem ocazia sa o reintalnim pe meleaguri romanesti. Sa vedem.

Viata sociala a Zumei consta in iesiri pe terase, pe plaja, pe la prieteni unde prefera sa stea cate o ora, doua si sa soarba dintr-un cockteil. Cockteil exotic, desigur, unul din favorite este Mai-Tai. Cam dulceag, dar asta e.

I-am promis ca-i voi publica mai multe poze. Ca sa compenseze faptul ca oricum apare cu ochii inchisi. Nici nu cred ca stie de acesta fotografie, facuta pe cand se pregatea sa iasa la o plimbare.
Cu ochii inchisi.
Pe curand.

Zuma. She sleeps all the time. But in the same time her life is full of social activity. She prefers a warmer climate, therefor she's now living in Thailand, in Ko Phangan. She claims she'll remain there for good, but I know that soon her visa will expire and maybe we'll have the chance to see her again on Romanian land. We'll see.

Zuma's social life consists in going out on terraces, on the beach, at friends', where she enjoys staying an hour or two, sipping a cocktail. An exotic one, of course, one of her favorites is Mai-Tai. A bit too sweet, but what can we do.

I promised her I'll publish more photos of her. To compensate the fact that anyway she has her eyes closed. I don't even think she knows about this photo, taken while she was getting ready to go out for a walk.
With her eyes closed.
See you soon!

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May 17, 2010


Cooka e o fetita care seamana cu un baietel de fapt. Ii place sa poarte pantalonasi, in loc de fustita sau rochita, de aici si confuzia ca ar fi Cookie, nu Cooka.

E cuminte, destul de bine dispusa de obicei, desi nu se manifesta.
Nu-i prea place muzica... nu se stie de ce. Daca aflam, va anuntam.

Cooka is a little girl that actually looks like a boy. She likes wearing pants, instead of skirts or dresses, therefor the general confusion that she's Cookie, not Cooka.

She's wise, usually in a good mood, although she never shows it.
She doesn't really like the music... we don't know why. If we find out, we'll let you know.

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May 16, 2010

Cyan de NSSU

Dansului nu-i place absolut deloc nimic, niciodata, nici in ruptul capului. Nu stim daca acum ne zambeste, ii e frica sau rade de noi. Stim ca nu distinge decat doua culori, turcoaz si crem (da, culorile ochilor sai). Restul e alb-negru.

Are o varsta destul de inaintata.
Asta nu explica, totusi, faptul ca e atat de nesuferit. Cat? Cam atat.

Bineinteles, nu-i face nici o placere sa stea aici, pe blog.
Dar noua ne place, ca e colorat.

He doesn't like absolutely nothing, ever, no way. We can't say whether he's smiling, he's afraid or he's laughing at us. We know he can only distinguish two colors, turquoise and beige (yes, the colors of his eyes). The rest is black&white.

He has a well advanced age.
This doesn't explain, though, the fact that he's so horrid. How horrid? About this much.

Of course, there's no pleasure for him to be here, on the blog.
But we like him, because he's colorful.

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May 15, 2010

Mr. Happy.

Ii place sa stea cu ochii'n soare. E calm si seren, dar uneori ar vrea sa se bronzeze suficient cat sa para furios si sa prevesteasca ploaia. Zambind.

He likes to stare at the sun. He's calm and serene, but sometimes he wishes he got enough tan to look furious and foretell the rain. Smiling.

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