(de la stanga la dreapta, in ordinea culorilor)
Choir Tea Chamomile - ChaCha
Dumneai canta cel mai bine la frunza de musetel. Ii place sa stea in bucatarie, atarnata de o ceasca de ceai si sa cante. Daca ceaiul e de musetel, adoarme la al doilea vers.
Choir Tea Earl Grey - Early M
Early M canta cel mai bine la ... bobul de cafea. Este primul care se trezeste dimineata. Ii place sa atarne oriunde, canta destul de rar. Bea cafea de obicei, iar cand se intalneste cu restul grupului bea ceai (niciodata negru).
Choir Tea Green - Away
Domnul acesta prefera sa cante la frunza de iasomie. Ii place in dormitor, pe noptiera, langa o ceasca de ceai. Normal. Canta doar cantece de Mos Ene. Ii plac filmele experimentale.
Choir Tea Forrest Fruits - FruFra
Dansa canta bine la mai multe feluri de frunze: mure, capsuni, coacaze. Si altele. Ii place sa stea in bucatarie sau in sufragerie, langa o ceasca de ceai si sa cante. Daca ceaiul e de fructe de padure, sare cate un vers.
Let's introduce them - The Choir of Tea Leaf Singers:
(from left to right, in color order)
Choir Tea Chamomile - ChaCha
She plays best the chamomile leaf. She likes to hang in the kitchen, leaning on a tea mug and singing. If the tea is chamomile tea, she falls asleep on the second verse.
Choir Tea Earl Grey - Early M
Early M plays best ... the coffee bean. He's the first to wake up in the morning. He likes hanging anywhere, sings quite rare. Usually he drinks coffee, but when he meets the rest of the group he drinks tea (never black tea).
Choir Tea Green - Away
This gentleman prefers playing the jasmine leaf. He likes the bedroom, on the night stand, next to a cup of tea. Of course. He only sings sandman songs. He likes experimental movies.
Choir Tea Forrest Fruits - FruFra
She plays good several types of leaves: blackberries, strawberries, black currant. And others. She enjoys hanging in the kitchen or in the living room, next to a cup of tea and singing. If it's a forrest fruits tea, she skips a verse.
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