Vi-l prezentam pe Dunck, amicul lui nu-istimnumele. Ii plac si lui plimbarile prin parc, pe jos. Nu pe bicicleta. Si prin ploaie, daca se poate.
E mai emo de felul sau. Cu toate astea, nu-i place sa arate ca se mai imbraca si in negru. E bun la matematica.
Filmul lui preferat e "Little Miss Sunshine". Nu-i prea vorbaret, dar visul sau e sa inregistreze voci pentru desene animate.
This is Dunck, friends with wedon'tknowhisname. He also likes the walks in the park. Not on the bike. And in the rain, if possible.
He's more emo. Anyway, he doesn't like to show that he also dresses in black. He's good at maths.
His favorite movie is "Little Miss Sunshine". He's not much of a talker, but he dreams of recording voices for cartoons.
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