E autist, dar este unul din preferatii multora (inclusiv al meu). Este foarte bun la matematica, mai exact la ce tine de cifre, literele in schimb nu le prea deosebeste. Cand ii vorbesti despre ceva, se uita fix la tine, atent, poate prea fix. Nu-ti dai seama daca intelege profund ce-i explici sau din contra, nici nu te baga in seama.
Este foarte crestin. Crede ca toate statuile reprezinta sfinti (inclusiv scriitori, politicieni etc).
Se simte foarte bine in general, e convins ca locuieste in Elvetia (il gasiti la Bucuresti deocamdata).
Deja va place pe toti. Sau asa imi lasa impresia.
He's autistic, but he's one of the favorites (including mine). He's very good with maths, especially of what's has to do with numbers, the letters though he can't distinguish one from another. When you're talking to him, he stares at you. You can't really tell whether he deeply understands what you're explaining or, on the contrary, he doesn't care a bit.
He's very christian. He thinks all statues represent saints (including those of writers, politicians etc). He's generally fine, he's convinced he lives in Switzerland (you can find him in Bucharest for the moment).
He already likes all of you. Or at least this is what he makes me believe.
♥♥♥ out of stock
intre timp s-a mutat la cluj, ca e mai liniste.