Dupa cum ii spune si numele, este un individ mai tehnic, in forma de PI. Ii plac la nebunie cablurile, de orice fel, orice culoare, orice functie.
Daca nu va mai merge conexiunea la internet, puteti sa-l chemati si va rezolva problema.
Are multi prieteni si un frate mai mare, pe care-l vom prezenta in curand. Sustine ca a fost la concertul AC/DC, dar eu nu l-as crede.
As his name suggests, he's a more technical guy, PI shaped. He loves the cables, all sorts of, any color, any function.
If your internet connection is not working, you can call him and he'll solve the problem.
He has many friends and a bigger brother, which we'll present soon. He says he was at the AC/DC concert, but I wouldn't believe him.
cred ca l-a vazut online pe undeva...