De data asta facem asa: va dam niste indicii si sunteti poftiti sa scrieti povestioare. Sau sa adaugati alte indicii.
Ce ziceti?
#1. ea nu are nume, asteapta sugestii;
#2. el e motan si il cheama Domnul M.;
#3. ea a scapat intreaga 'atacului' pisicesc;
#4. ei ii plac cizmele;
#5. lui ii plac vulpile;
#6. ea are o verisoara fericita in Suedia (care initial locuia fericita in Thailanda);
Asteptam cuvintele voastre acum!
Hello dears!
This time we'll do it like this: we give you some clues and you are welcome to write little stories based on them. Or to add other clues. What do you say?
#1. she has no name, she's waiting for suggestions;
#2. he's a cat and his name is Mister M.;
#3. she was not harmed during the cattish 'attack';
#4. she likes the boots;
#5. he loves foxes;
#6. she has a happy cousin in Sweden (which used to live happily in Thailand);
Waiting for your words now!
♥♥♥ out of stock
Ea cu un ochi rade: hihi, am scapat intreaga de data aceasta, cred ca floricica de la curelusa a functionat ca un scut; cu un ochi plange: uffff, ce motan frumos...daca eram motanica imi doream sa ma prinda :)