Asta pentru ca de mic:
a) vroia sa aiba de-a face cu filmul;
b) vroia sa se faca supererou;
c) ii placea sa vorbeasca in soapta cu prieteni imaginari.
Whee (cum ii spun prietenii) considera ca a sosit momentul sa gaseasca motivul acestei pasiuni, asa ca ne intreaba: a, b sau c?
La un moment dat, in functie de raspunsurile voastre, va merge la unul dintre voi. Si va ramane acolo.
Pana atunci, il lasam sa mai salveze un personaj...
There he is! What do you think he's doing? He's whispering to the gunpowder in order to save the lives of characters in gun shots movies.
That's because, as a little kid, he:
a) wanted to be in the movie business;
b) wanted to become a superhero;
c) liked to whisper to imaginary friends.
Whee (that's how his friends call him) thinks it's time to find the reason for this passion of his, so he's asking us: a, b or c?
At some point, based on your answers, he'll go to one of you. And stay there.
Until then, we'll let him save another character...
♥♥♥ a, b, or c ? waiting for your comments until January