Bernie abia asteapta sa-ti daruiasca floarea. E plantata si crescuta personal de dansul, cu multa dragoste.
Da, e un personaj foarte dragastos.
Sa nu credeti cumva, totusi, ca-i place ziua de 14 februarie. Chiar nu-i place. Sa nu-l rugati sa va daruiasca floarea in acea zi, pentru ca n-o va face si nici nu va va mai vorbi ... cam o saptamana.
Cartea sa preferata este "Micul print" - desi nu a citit-o el, i-a fost citita de catre floare. Si ii plac la nebunie sedintele foto!
Bernie can't wait to offer you the flower. It was planted and grown by himself, with lots of love.
Yes, he's very lovable.
You shouldn't think, though, that he likes the 14th of February. He really doesn't. Don't ask him to offer you the flower in that day, because he won't and he will not talk to you .... for a week.
His favorite book is "The Little Prince" - although he didn't read it, the flower read it to him. And he loves the photo sessions!
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