Albastra (ideal ar fi fost turcoaz), iubareata pe-un picior, plina de culori in ochi.
Ce ati putea spune ca stiti deja despre ea e ca iubeste cartile. Ce va dezvalui eu acum despre ea, ca o completare la aceasta pasiune, e ca NU-I PLACE sa stie titlul cartii si numele autorului. Isi primeste cartile de la cunoscuti (amici, prieteni, familie etc) cu aceste date ascunse (prin diferite metode). Dupa ce termina de citit romanul/nuvela/fabula/ce-o fi incearca sa ghiceasca cine a fost autorul si care e numele cartii.
Cam cu asta isi ocupa timpul, citeste carti 'necunoscute' si in rest citeste pe Wikipedia despre autori si cartile lor. Ca sa-i fie mai usor de ghicit apoi!
We present you Turquentine!
Blue (ideally would have been turquoise), loving on a foot and full of colors in her eyes.
What you could say you already know about her is that she loves the books. What I'm revealing now about her, in addition to this passion, is that she DOESN'T LIKE to know the title of the book and its author. She gets the books from her friends, family etc, with this informations hidden (in different ways). After she finishes reading the novel/story/fable/whatever, she tries to guess who wrote it and what's its name.
This is what she does most of the time, reading 'unknown' books, the rest of the time she reads on Wikipedia about authors and their books. So it's easier for her to guess!
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